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Signature Solution
Knowledge for Success (K4S)

Knowledge for Success, powered by Cognitient, provides a data-driven process that empowers executives to chart a course for positive success by accelerating risk reduction, value creation, and decision making. The K4S offering combines best-in-class data, behavioral science, benchmarking and advanced analytics with consultative insights to rapidly pinpoint and prioritize actions that optimize revenue, profit, cash flow, and ROI. 


K4S guides business leaders to highlight the areas that are hindering business execution and market success. Through K4S, the executive team achieves the clarity and confidence needed to understand their risks, create stakeholder focus and agreement, and to take decisive action on critical IT/ Business initiatives and portfolio direction. K4S encompasses discrete offerings focused on IT and Business-aligned success. 

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Portfolio Rationalization

An analysis of budgeted or planned projects against new or changing business priorities and strategies. Evaluates and validates the alignment of projects, products, and Business Unit initiatives with target IT, Business strategy, and financial objectives. It answers crucial questions: 

  • To what degree does the organization understand the market and customers' values and needs?

  • To what degree does the organization have the IT and operational agility required to meet new or changing market and customer needs? 

Initiative Analytics

Evaluates business-critical projects which are challenged or trending to fail. Business-critical projects that are:


  • In the planning stage, to proactively identify and eliminate obstacles that can hinder success.

  • Underway and being impacted by significant market, technology, or culture change.

  • Off course, over-budget, off schedule, or no longer aligned with intended goals. 


This offering looks at key areas that drive project success. Initiative Analytics will help identify the issues, risks, weaknesses, and strengths that are impacting the success of the projects, provide insights to underlying issues and root causes, highlight areas of misalignment, and make fact-based recommendations to correct the project trajectory and outcome. 

Image by Tyler Franta


Assesses the IT function and Business alignment to identify the strengths, weaknesses, risk factors, knowledge, experience, and performance that impact effective execution and delivery to meet existing business priorities. IT-360 also exposes issues that impact effective delivery of new business opportunities and strategies requiring IT agility and adaptability. It provides a rapid, high-precision analysis that supplies new CIOs or Technology Leaders with a roadmap for quick wins in their first 100 days. 

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